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Know the Potato Nutrition Content

Because it contains carbohydrates, potatoes are often considered enemies by people who are on a diet. In fact, the nutritional content of potatoes can not be underestimated. Potatoes are a favorite food of many people contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Potatoes are usually processed by frying, boiling, steaming, and baking. Potatoes can be the main menu, side menu, and light snacks. The composition of potatoes is indeed dominated by carbohydrates. However, potatoes have other nutritional benefits that are beneficial to the body.

Potato Nutrition Ingredients

The nutritional content of potatoes consists of macro and micro nutrients. Macro nutrition means nutrients that the body needs in large quantities. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are included in macro nutrients. While vitamins and minerals are classified as micronutrients, which means the body needs small amounts. The nutritional content of potatoes includes the following:
  • Carbohydrate

  • Carbohydrates are often thought to be the culprit of weight gain. This is not entirely wrong, especially if consumed in excessive amounts. However, the body still needs carbohydrates, because carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. Experts recommend that 45-65% of total calories per day come from carbohydrates. So, if the body needs 2,000 calories per day, 900-1300 calories are recommended to come from carbohydrates. Given the carbohydrate content of potatoes reaches 66-90% per fruit, then you can get enough carbohydrate intake from potatoes.
  • Fiber

  • The fiber content in potatoes is found in the skin. Potatoes contain starch and fiber which are good food for bacteria in the large intestine and serve to maintain the health of the digestive tract. Starch on potato skins is also beneficial in controlling blood sugar. In order to get maximum benefit from fiber in potatoes, it is recommended to drain the freshly cooked potatoes. Compared to potatoes that are served hot, potatoes that are already cold contain higher levels of starch.
  • Protein

  • Protein functions in the production of body chemicals such as hormones and enzymes. Protein is also needed in the formation of muscles, bones, blood cells, hair and skin. Protein content in potatoes is indeed not too much, which is only 1-1.5% in fresh conditions, and 8-9% when dry. The protein content of potatoes is even the lowest when compared to corn or wheat. However, the protein content of potatoes is classified as high quality. The main protein in potatoes is called patatin, some people may have an allergy to this potato protein.
  • Antioxidant

  • Antioxidants are known to prevent free radicals. Studies prove that antioxidants can prevent chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Another study in the laboratory also found that the antioxidants in potatoes can suppress the growth of liver cancer and colon cancer. However, further studies are still needed to prove the effectiveness of antioxidants in potatoes to reduce the risk of chronic diseases in humans.
  • Potassium

  • Potassium (potassium) is a mineral that dominates the nutritional content of potatoes. This mineral can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. The highest levels of potassium is found in potato peels.
  • Folate

  • Pregnant women or undergoing a pregnancy program are encouraged to consume a lot of folic acid. Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate. Both have the same function for health. Folic or folic acid can prevent the risk of miscarriage and defects in babies.
  • Vitamin B6

  • One of the nutritional content of potatoes is vitamin B6, this vitamin plays a role in the formation of blood cells, maintains nerve health, helps produce antibodies or immune substances and supports digestion of proteins.
  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can reduce various risks of disease. The most important functions of vitamin C include repairing body tissues, helping the absorption of iron, maintaining healthy bones and teeth, and playing a role in the immune system. Most vitamin C levels in potatoes are located on the skin.

How to cultivate a healthy potato

Although potatoes are rich in nutrients, the wrong way to process potatoes can eliminate the nutritional content of potatoes. Boiling, steaming, and grilling are the best ways to maintain nutrition in potatoes. Meanwhile, frying potatoes to make chips or french fries, instead makes potatoes contain excessive calories. This excess calories makes weight gain quickly. In addition to containing almost no fat, the calories in potatoes are relatively low, which is only about 90 per 100 grams of potatoes. In addition, potatoes processed by boiling is one of the most filling foods. Satiety condition after consuming calorie foods such as potatoes, makes you tend to be more able to refrain from eating more. These two reasons make good potatoes consumed by people who are on a diet, as long as not excessive. It is recommended to eat potatoes without peeling the skin to maximize the nutritional content of potatoes. As mentioned earlier, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are actually more abundant in potato skins. Although relatively healthy, be careful when processing potatoes. If the potatoes are greenish or appear to have new shoots, you should not consume them. Sprouts or greenish potatoes contain toxins that can be harmful to the body.
